Solar energy can be so simple

Did you know that solar energy is the most abundant and cheapest source of energy in the world? Problem was that solar panels were quite difficult to install for households living in apartments, if not impossible. On the Demo Day on October 27th, you will be able to hear everything on how brothers Martin and André Thiessen from our MakeUp Hardtech Innovation Program are now making it available for them!

Thank you to our sponsors #ESF and #BerlinSenat for making it all possible.

A simple and economical product fit for every balcony with Mister Balcony

When looking for a traditional solar panel installation, it is easy to feel lost. The amount of time put into the sourcing of all the different parts, as well as looking for a qualified person to put them together, can be frustrating. With Mister Balcony, all of these time-consuming processes are eliminated, and in a matter of minutes, the solar panels are ready to work!
Contrary to what one might think, these solar panels do not require any additional permit or equipment, which makes their installation and operation super intuitive, convenient, and accessible to everyone! Furthermore, with two Mister Balcony full packages, more than 20% of power consumption can be saved. Depending on the electricity tariff, that’s up to 300 euros a year!
This is Mister Balcony
This is Mister Balcony

The growing success of Mister Balcony

The transition to renewable energy is considered a necessary step to answer humanity’s needs in the near future, making solar panels receive a strong interest because of their positive environmental and economical advantages. Indeed, in the last ten years, solar panel installations have been democratized thanks to the drop in costs of solar energy, improved technology as well as incentives from governments and municipalities (programs, tax refunds, etc..).

Mister Balcony has successfully managed to sell out their first production batch, and they will be soon moving on to a larger-scale industrial production!

We believe that it is only the beginning of great things coming for Mister Balcony, and you too can learn more about it on October 27th for the demo Day!