WAAMathon #1 Berlin

WAAMathon #1 Berlin!

Unlock the Power of Additive Manufacturing for You: Stop Playing, Start Gaining – at WAAMathon #1 Berlin!

Date: Friday, September 15

By: B.I.G Holding SE & GEFERTEC GmbH

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waamathon-1-berlin-tickets-681424889187?aff=oddtdtcreator

The WAAMathon #1 Berlin is a new innovative event that brings together users and experts of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). In addition to a series of lectures in English and German, workshops and interactive Q&A sessions make your day complete. The day ends with a lively event in one of the greenest districts of Berlin with BBQ and good mood.

At the WAAMathon we offer you a comprehensive lecture program on 2 stages. You can expect the following topics, among others:

  • Strategien zur Sicherstellung der Produktqualität
  • Process Parameter & Material Qualification – The Pillars of Successful WAAM
  • SmartCAM: CAM Engineering Made Simpler for WAAM
  • Insights of Latest Research Projects
  • Sustainability: Economic & Ecologic Potentials of Arc Based Additive Manufacturing
  • Quality Supervision for Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Components
  • Lightweight Construction and Functional Integration through AM
  • Deep Learning in Thermographic Image Analysis for Controlling Heat Input in AM with MSG
  • Digital Tools along the WAAM Value Chain to Increase Productivity and Sustainability


Sep 15 2023


8:30 - 18:00


Bouchéstraße 12 Halle 20 12435 Berlin
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