Unlock Growth and Ensure Your Startup’s Success!

Unlock Growth and Ensure Your Startup’s Success

Unlock growth for your hardtech startup! Discover essential startup insurance & acquisition timing insights for success. Members-only event.

  • Date & Time: 20.02.2024 – 3 – 4 pm
  • Event Location: MotionLab.Berlin, campus Alt-Treptow
  • Get your ticket: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unlock-growth-and-ensure-your-startups-success-tickets-830361161587?aff=oddtdtcreator

Unlock growth for your hardtech startup! Discover essential startup insurance & acquisition timing insights for success. Members-only event.


MotionLab.Berlin | Your unique Eventlocation in Berlin

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Feb 20 2024


15:00 - 16:00


Bouchéstraße 12 Halle 20 12435 Berlin
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