Our entrepreneurship ecosystem is home to over 70 hardtech startups within the fields of Clean Tech, Health Tech, Mobility, Internet of Things, Aero & Space Tech, Renewable Energies, Smart Cities, AgriTech and much more. They are the cornerstone of new innovative technologies and products. Only with their help, with the solutions they develop and with their passion for their hardtech ideas, will we be able to tackle issues like global warming, scarcity of resources and poverty – together. Let the enthusiasm of our startup community for hardtech issues inspire you. Join our startup community and share your workspace with passionate entrepreneurs, founders, artists and innovators!
Together with our entire innovation network made up of major technology partners, manufacturers, opinion leaders, important hardtech companies, experts, investors and many more we bring our startup community’s hardware innovations to the next level by supporting them wherever we can!
Startups represent innovation and our startup community is the best showcase for this! It is one of the main reasons we do what we do at MotionLab.Berlin, and why we love it so much! MotionLab.Berlin represents so much more than just a workspace in Berlin. We offer a place for tinkerers, engineers, entrepreneurs, founders and creatives. A place for new concepts, ideas, innovation and dreams to flourish. And a space where members, who are part of our startup community, get access to the facilities, workshops, events, machines and everything they need to realize their first ideas and to push their hardtech startups forward. Hardtech is the focus at MotionLab.Berlin.
Hardtech is, as the name suggests, the combination of hardware and tech. In other words, a hardware based product with a technical component. To see exactly what this can look like, come by!