Robin Baumgarten - Berlin artists at MotionLab.Berlin
Get to know Robin Baumgarten and his interactive art installations and experimental hardware games. He is the second of our Berlin artists we would like to introduce to you in our “Masterpieces at MotionLab.Berlin” series.
Get to know Robin Baumgarten and his interactive art installations and experimental hardware games.
The Berlin-based artist Robin Baumgarten creates interactive art installations and experimental hardware games, mostly spring and LED based work.
But what does this mean? How does Robin himself describe his work? “My artworks range from one-dimensional hardware games over weird wobbly spheres, to walls full of art installations with touch-sensitive door stopper springs that visualise quantum physics in a playful yet scientifically accurate manner.” His ideas come mostly through experimenting but also developing further his Berlin art projects from one-dimensional into multi-dimensional projects. A lot of prototyping, recycling, iterations and experimenting is the base of it. Something he is mainly doing at our makerspace alongside our other Berlin artists.

This is what Line Wobbler, Wobble Garden, Wobble Sphere and Quantum Jungle are all about.
One of his art installation games called Line Wobbler already won several awards for the best game design and most liked game by the audience. We can understand why the audience loved this game. With a spring wobble controller that you use as a joystick you have to control a light moving and make sure it moves in the right direction at the right time. The inspiration for the controller came indeed from a cat video. And the name Line Wobbler? As soon as you play the game, the noise that stands out throughout the whole time sounds like … wobbling.
Robin, whose instagram name is robin.wobbles, has several other wobble art installations. There is Wobble Garden, a hand-crafted installation with sensing springs and reactive lighting. There is the Quantum Jungle, an interactive art installation that calculates Shrödinger’s Equation to model said movement. There is also the Wobble Sphere, a new experimental playful art installations with 72 touch-sensitive metal springs and LED rings.

Recently, the Quantum Jungle was shown at SXSW in Austin and the Museum der Gestaltung in Zürich.
We met Robin in his Berlin artist studio at MotionLab.Berlin. He explained to us how he built Quantum Jungle, what the most important thing about his work is and where he learned all of this! Recently, the Quantum Jungle was shown at SXSW in Austin and the Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich. With all these international art installations Robin also learns a lot about export, transportation and regulations but also how to assemble all the different components such as software and hardware parts.


Interested in more first-hand insight from the artist himself, Robin Baumgarten? Check out our video about him and his art installations!
If you are interested in working with Robin, you can get in touch with him on all social media channels (instagram, twitter, mastodon). His experimental art installations suit festivals, events for children and also museums.
Beside that we have a special offer for all artists among you! Take the chance to get one of the exclusive places in our very limited artist program “artists in residence”. Become part of our community, realize your artwork and creative ideas with the help of our machines, labs and the space, get a special discount on your membership and showcase your artwork and products on our online channels. Apply here!
Do you have any open questions to MotionLab.Berlin or the “artist in residency” program? Just contact us or visit us directly for a tour through our space!

Interested in more first-hand insight from the artist himself, Robin Baumgarten? Check out our video about him and his art installations!
If you are interested in working with Robin, you can get in touch with him on all social media channels (instagram, twitter, mastodon). His experimental art installations suit festivals, events for children and also museums.
Beside that we have a special offer for all artists among you! Take the chance to get one of the exclusive places in our very limited artist program “artists in residency”. Become part of our community, realize your artwork and creative ideas with the help of our machines, labs and the space, get a special discount on your membership and showcase your artwork and products on our online channels. Apply here!
Do you have any open questions to MotionLab.Berlin or the “artist in residence” program? Just contact us or visit us directly for a tour through our space!