Dear 12min.me tribe,

Mark your calendars for the next 12min.me event! 📆

➡️ Thursday, June 20, 2024 – 6:45 PM

For those of you, who are still new to the game: We are the community for all sustainability enthusiasts who want to get inspired and connect with other people who are passionate about driving change towards a more sustainable world 💚

Our success formula: Combining 3 inspiring movers & shakers from the field of sustainability, a passionate and curious crowd and our well proven format:
🌱 12 min presentation
🌱 12 min Q&A
🌱 12 min networking
… rinse and repeat 😉

Because we don’t want you to waste your time!

We are super excited to announce our full lineup of inspiring speakers soon 💚

Register for free, join our green community ✨

The event will take place over at MotionLab.Berlin, Bouchéstraße 12/Halle 20, 12435 Berlin, start 19:12 sharp (arrival from 18:45). It is a 15 min walk from Treptower Park SBahn station, it can be a bit tricky to find. Make sure you enter via Jordanstraße 🙂

Please RSVP via Meetup to confirm your attendance.
We are looking forward to making this another fantastic event with YOU.

Lots of green love 💚


MotionLab.Berlin | Events in Berlin

Are you interested in more events on topics such as hardtech, modern machinery, prototyping, business workshops, networking, fundraising, female founders, venture capital, community events, different startups or our programs? Check out all our events here!

Or do you want to host your own event at our eventlocation Berlin in Alt-Treptow? Check out our eventlocation and send your request.


Jun 11 2024


18:45 - 22:00


Bouchéstraße 12 Halle 20 12435 Berlin
QR Code

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