Join our next demo day of our starup accelerator program Hardtech Innovation and get to know our amazing teams!

Hardtech Innovation Program | Accelerator Demo Day

Meet the 2nd Batch of our Hardtech Innovation startup accelerator program at our demo day on the 27th of April. Join us!

Join our Demo day and learn more about the startups in Batch 2 of our Hardtech Innovation Accelerator Programme and what they have been working on!

The startups:

  • Red Arrow Tec is developing a new kind of jet engine for cargo drones and air taxis, that is much lighter and less complex.
  • Limen is developing mood-enhancing perfumes and a smart fragrance diffuser, that fills your room with the right fragrance at the right moment to improve your mood and quality of life.
  • InPeaces strives to enable you to create personalized fashion with customizable sewing sets and a sewing-by-numbers system.
  • Materialogic– “Know what your van interior is made of.” Materialogic builds van interior kits and turn-key solutions for a healthier & more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Coresleep is working on early diagnosis of sleep problems. A.I. solution that turns your sleep statistics into actionable data.
  • Wingrow creates a vertical farm for your window board that grows microgreens in a week with a set up time of 1 minute.

Demo day agenda:

4:00pm: Graduates celebration [Members only]

4:30pm: Community get-together [Members only]

5:00pm: Open doors & tour through the space

6:00pm: Demo day stage program, including

  • Welcoming
  • Keynote (tba)
  • Pitch Event
  • Award ceremony

7:20pm: Networking & Catering

9:00pm: Rave

We’re looking forward to meeting you at our demo day! Get your ticket here.

Where? MotionLab.Berlin, Bouchéstraße 20, 12435 Berlin Alt Treptow

NOTE: Please be aware that you can only join the event with an event ticket.



Apr 27 2023


17:30 - 22:30


Bouchéstraße 12 Halle 20 12435 Berlin
QR Code

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